QualcoDanube AQC Scheme

Welcome to the QualcoDanube AQC Scheme

The QualcoDanube AQC Scheme is a proficiency testing scheme organised under the umbrella of the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR).Through open tenders, QualcoDuna Proficiency Testing Hungary Nonprofit Kft. has acted as organiser of the scheme from 2014 onwards. Further information about the programme is available under

Downloads/Scheme documents.

QualcoDanube AQC Scheme is an invitation-only programme, open exclusively to laboratories of the Trans-National Monitoring Network (TNMN) in the Danube Basin. Thus future participants are contacted directly by the organiser.

Our company also operates a commercial proficiency testing scheme which is open to any interested participants. For more information click here.